CECU Success Stories

Naomia Rivera

Naomia Rivera

Occupational Therapy Assistant Graduate from Pima Medical Institute

I served in the US Air Force for over 12 years, working in biomedical engineering and after medically retiring, I continued in the biomedical field, working up to director level. But, I found myself feeling unfulfilled. While in the Air Force, I had been injured and received occupational therapy (OT) for almost two years. Long story short, I was an OT patient who fell in love with OT … so I decided to take the risk of a career switch.

While researching Pima Medical Institute’s Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) program, I could not find one bad review. One day while feeling brave, I enrolled in the OTA program. The instructors were amazing, they all brought different perspectives and their breadth of experience added so much value. The way they handled us educationally was very OT like; lots of empathy, flexibility, individualized learning and challenges. By the end of my very first day of field work, I knew I had found my place and was meant to be an OTA. Finding a job was a seamless process. I had choices and I was able to leverage my previous experience into a nice entry-level salary. I am currently an OTA in Prescott Valley, AZ at an inpatient rehabilitation hospital that specializes in neuro and spine and I just love my job!

Because my parents taught me the value of community involvement, I have been actively involved in our state and national OT professional associations. I serve on a justice, diversity, equity and inclusion national committee. Recently, I was surprised and honored to receive the Arizona OTA of the Year Award. I received a quality education from amazing instructors at Pima Medical Institute. My daughter is currently enrolled in their OTA program and that’s about the best endorsement a mom could give!